Imamzade Abazar is located on Abazar village and 20 Km of northwest of Qazvin,according to people's beliefs , he is offspring of Imam ja'far sadeq.
Tha shrine is made of mountain's stones and has been covered with a brick dome .ceiling Of the shrine is tiled which it is belonged to Qajar era. in addition to tomb there is a grave in corner of the shrine that it's height is
40cm and a carving inscription from Ilkhani cover it.
The entrance of shrine is on the east side and there are stones which carving in the form of inscription in two sides. Two stony nets are located in two sides of entrance that one of them has an inscription.
The shrine is similar to Safavid monuments and it can be resulted that the first building of Ilkhani period which probably has been very gorgeous, reconstruct after destroying in safavid era and it's inscriptions fastened on the new building.