Sivash Taherkhani was elected as the mayor of Qazvin
Introduction ceremony of Qazvin Mayor
Introduction ceremony of Siavash Taherkhani, Mayor of Qazvin and honorary ceremony of Mohamad Dorafshani, head of municipality was held in 19th Dec. on the assembly hall of Qazvin's provincial government.
Introduction ceremony of Siavash Taherkhani, Mayor of Qazvin and honorary ceremony of Mohamad Dorafshani, head of municipality was held in 19th Dec. on the assembly hall of Qazvin's provincial government.
The ceremony was held by the attendance of Hedayat-Allah Jamalipoor, Qazvin's governor, Mehdi Jamalinejad, Deputy Minister of Civil and Urban & Rural Development, Head of the Municipalities and County Organization of the country.