Dr. Ali Safari (Biography)
Dr. Ali Safari (Biography)
Educational Information:
- Environmental engineering, Ph.D.
- Master of Science in environmental engineering
- Bachelor of Environmental Engineering
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Teaching Experience:
- The second rank of entrance exam, Ph.D.
- The third rank of master's degree in water and sewage engineering
- The fourth rank of entrance exam, civil engineering
- Professor of Islamic Azad University
- Professor of Payame Noor University, civil engineering
- Professor of Booyin Zahra industrial University, urbanism
Executive Experience:
- Mayor of Booyin Zahra, 2008-2017
- Mayor of Bidestan, 6 years
- Officer of Department of statistics and public relations, Qazvin municipality
- Selected mayor of the province, 2006
- Selected mayor of the province, 2007
- Top mayor of the province, 2012
- Top mayor of the country on private sector investment attraction, 2012
- Top mayor of the province, in the field of health
- Member of the world mayors for peace organization, with the decree of mayor of Hiroshima
- Director of Sport-Cultural club, Qazvin municipalities
- Member of Charity on school construction
- Member of Board of directors of waste management, Qazvin municipalities
- Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Provinces in the first period of the councils
Research Activities:
- Water modeling of urban green space for sustainable development
- Economic survey of separation from origin, Qazvin, region 2 (research)
- Translation of the Guide to Construction Laws in the UK and Comparison with Iran (Ministry of Environment and Transportation of the United Kingdom)
- The survey of licensing process of the construction of industries in Maida, Malaysia and comparison with Iran Industries Organization.
- Translation of the rules set of Dubai municipality
- International Certificates at the International Congress on Urban Design
- The ideal city workshop (CERTIFICATE)
- GIS workshop (CERTIFICATE)
- The New Energy Organization workshop (CERTIFICATE)
- Enabling earthquake areas including Qazvin, Zanjan, Hamadan and Kermanshah (CERTIFICATE)
- Rehabilitation, renovation and reconstruction of urban distressed tissues (CERTIFICATE)
- Urban Services Management (CERTIFICATE)
- International conference and forum on urban sustained Development (CERTIFICATE)
- International conference on urbanism Management (CERTIFICATE)
- Specialized course Designing Historical fabric (CERTIFICATE)
- Contemporary International conference on patterning from traditional architecture to Access to Architecture (CERTIFICATE)
- Provincial work shop on capacity building for disaster management (CERTIFICATE)
Translation & Compilation:
- Urban waste management (publishing)
- Old tissues, challenges and strategies (publishing)
Housing Land craning procedures "Dubai Municipality"
Complaint form "Dubai Municipality
Statistical Review "Dubai Municipality Achievements"
Procedures of allocation industrial Lands
Customer Service center Dubai Municipality
Air Quality research: "perspective form climate change modeling research